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12 Jun 2011, 14:15
102 Posts

Hello all, i just wanted to let you know about the game i'm making for quite a while now, it's for a school project, but i thought it would be great if i let you play it :D I've made it all on my own. Has loads of features. This is the lastest release in wich i think there are no bugs, even if there are, tell me. There are some questions in romanian, (those with A,B or C), you can select any. You will not lose lives, only points. More instructions in-game!
Screenshot of non-virused file:
It is an adventure game, with 5 levels in wich a player called Radu tries to get his plane back. It's like Mario but more fancy and harder levels.

Look, im just a Signature....

And containing universe boot-up sequence...
Do not alter at ANY circumstances....
If you have any problems, please shut the universe down and restart....

Microsoft (Gods Division)

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29 Sep 2010, 23:03
289 Posts

well i guess many wont download a random file here
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12 Jun 2011, 14:15
102 Posts

What should i add then? Screenshots? Screenshots of bindefender telling 'No virus found'? OKAY

Look, im just a Signature....

And containing universe boot-up sequence...
Do not alter at ANY circumstances....
If you have any problems, please shut the universe down and restart....

Microsoft (Gods Division)

Minecraft Administrator Minecraft Administrator
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07 Mar 2011, 00:08
338 Posts

no just screenshots so we know what kind of game to expect,
To whetever download it out of curiosity or interest in game genre.

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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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Who on this earth actually uses Opera?
Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
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Conor wrote:
Who on this earth actually uses Opera?

Many enough to get an annual revenue of £76.8m.

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11 Aug 2009, 20:12
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Conor wrote:
Who on this earth actually uses Opera?

I used Opera up until about a year ago when it just got too bloated (Hell it has a web server, email client and IRC client) built in.

(I use Google Chrome now)
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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|LorD| Kiraly wrote:
What should i add then? Screenshots? Screenshots of bindefender telling 'No virus found'? OKAY

People are not concerned about virus mostly. More the part of running some software from another person, who they don't know.

Post the source. That will solve things. :)
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