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Re: Desktop upgrade

25 Jun 2011, 18:29

thats exactly what i said

Re: Desktop upgrade

25 Jun 2011, 19:44

Oh sorry I read your post wrong xD

Re: Desktop upgrade

26 Jun 2011, 19:34

So, as I understand it's build or GTFO.
Are you sure I can do this, I've never even upgraded a computer before better yet built one...

Re: Desktop upgrade

26 Jun 2011, 19:43

I recommend u to buy a new one, if u are going to use to play. The upgrades u can make on that desktop are quite limited and u probably u will have problems finding the stuff.

If u want to, buy it piece by piece on the internet (cheaper). U can build it urself or take all the pieces to a guy who knows how to xD. Or buy a closed config, there are some good configs there with nice specs and low price.


LifeTimeXNovaCore wrote:Complete computer

Spoiler: Show
- dont worry about wrong components
- ready to play
- you have every part from one shop
- goodies like pick-up and return service for 0€
- longer warranty then normal (not always and sometimes you have to pay for it)

- you cant modify much (upgrade, exchange)
- you have to send the whole computer to the shop
- warranty is only available when you use the original hardware
- higher price
- sometimes long waittime til you get the computer

DIY computer

Spoiler: Show
- you know what you get
- cheaper
- you can upgrade/exchange any part
- you dont have to send the whole pc if some hardware is broken
- much place for creativity (case modding, overclock, waterpump)

- not ready to play if something needs some time to arrive
- same warranty as like complete computer (i think 2 years right?)
- sometimes you need to buy from 2-3 different shops to hold the price down
(can be a pain when the hardware isnt available)
- you can damage the hardware if you are a newbie
(srsly read FAQ and tutorials xD)
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