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12 Jun 2010, 19:04
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Complete computer

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- dont worry about wrong components
- ready to play
- you have every part from one shop
- goodies like pick-up and return service for 0€
- longer warranty then normal (not always and sometimes you have to pay for it)

- you cant modify much (upgrade, exchange)
- you have to send the whole computer to the shop
- warranty is only available when you use the original hardware
- higher price
- sometimes long waittime til you get the computer

DIY computer

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- you know what you get
- cheaper
- you can upgrade/exchange any part
- you dont have to send the whole pc if some hardware is broken
- much place for creativity (case modding, overclock, waterpump)

- not ready to play if something needs some time to arrive
- same warranty as like complete computer (i think 2 years right?)
- sometimes you need to buy from 2-3 different shops to hold the price down
(can be a pain when the hardware isnt available)
- you can damage the hardware if you are a newbie
(srsly read FAQ and tutorials xD)

thats my personal pro/contra list. i made for myself some experience with complete and DIY computers and "buy all parts from a local store"

i know someone will call me noob but my actual is a 50/50 thing xD. the shop where i bought it offered a "make a list of what you want and we build it". the offer was cool in some way cuz there was a few ways to pull the price down (payment, promo key) and i got a "5 year warranty",
energy drinks, coffein pills and a game (srsly :v )

that is now 2-3 years ago and i really would undo it! once and never again!

my old AMD Athlon 6400 was DIY but i bought all parts from one local shop. before someone call me noob again, i was 16 and my parents had not much trust in online buying and the stuff.
so i ended up with 1200€, which was 400€ more expensive than i would pay online (800€)

so yeah, i made many experience and many mistakes. and people who saying "im scared to build a pc for myself" dont be shy and ask friends or some tech forums. its not that hard to DIY.

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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Why was "- same warranty as like complete computer (i think 2 years right?)" under cons? :7

And as mentioned.. It's not that hard.
I was 14 when I built my first computer. There's a guide with your motherboard, on how to assemble everything, so it's not that difficult.

Only difficult part, is getting the right stuff. This is where most fail. If you get the right stuff, your hardware cooperates and gives even better performance.. Or it completely fails, and stuff isn't compatible with each other. :)
Server Admin Server Admin
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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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Nova, you mentioned that you don't know what you get with your computer if you buy it, I knew what was in mine when I ordered it..
Minecraft Administrator Minecraft Administrator
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12 Jun 2010, 19:04
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ManIAc wrote:
Why was "- same warranty as like complete computer (i think 2 years right?)"

because i dunno the laws in other countrys :P in germany you have the same warranty lengh of years on the hardware parts too.

Conor wrote:
Nova, you mentioned that you don't know what you get with your computer if you buy it, I knew what was in mine when I ordered it..

i got all the parts that i had added to my build list of the computer.

but like i said, it was a failure from me and its my first and last "complete" pc. and atm i dont find a reason to get a new pc to build it up and call it "handmade" :S

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09 May 2010, 14:52
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Not making yours Rig yourself it is like employing subcontractors to make your firstborn :D

Minecraft Administrator Minecraft Administrator
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12 Jun 2010, 19:04
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AcidWeb wrote:
Not making yours Rig yourself it is like employing subcontractors to make your firstborn :D


Server Admin Server Admin
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
1890 Posts

AcidWeb wrote:
Not making yours Rig yourself it is like employing subcontractors to make your firstborn :D

Well spoken. :3

LifeTimeXNovaCore wrote:
because i dunno the laws in other countrys :P in germany you have the same warranty lengh of years on the hardware parts too..

Well.. In Denmark you have 10 days where you can return everything, then you have 6 months, where you can return it, and seller has to prove that you mishandled it, in order to not have to pay, (If they want to do that), and then you have 1½ year after that, where you have to prove that whatever is wrong, derives from manufacturing. :)
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01 Apr 2011, 21:55
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in sweden i think it 7 or 8 days to return it.

Simme337, The Man, The Myth, The Legend.
Minecraft Administrator Minecraft Administrator
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12 Jun 2010, 19:04
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ManIAc wrote:
AcidWeb wrote:
Not making yours Rig yourself it is like employing subcontractors to make your firstborn :D

Well spoken. :3

well, i got my list already for my next computer and yes i build it this time by my own bare hands what i ever did :P.

the only problem is the money, since i decided to change from AMD to Intel

but if someone has spare 900€, your welcome :D

simme337 wrote:
in sweden i think it 7 or 8 days to return it.

in germany you have 14 days :P

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06 Dec 2009, 21:26
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One tip:

Unless you like seeing hardware melt etc.

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29 Sep 2010, 23:03
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^this fucking this
my hp laptop reaches 90°C while gaming
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24 Dec 2010, 15:17
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Are you sure is a laptop? Maybe its a


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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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"Heating Point"
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06 Dec 2009, 21:26
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The inside of my hp laptop eventually melted. It still had warranty though.

But seriously, no joke. The insides were smothered in plastic cheese. :x

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