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MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 12:02

Yo aprilonian tf2 players!

The title is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll explain anyhow.
I'm tired of playing with total idiots, when trying to play a little Mann vs. Machine, and I'd like to try and actually complete a mission at some point. I get tired of dying all the time, because of some moron either being stupid as a hole in the ground, or simply AFK in spawn the entire time. D:!

SO! Would anyone like to join me in a couple of MvM games? We could either find a date for it, or I could simply throw you a steam message when I feel like it. :)

-Signing off!

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 12:06

sure why not, poke on irc

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 12:12

I'm generally against playing with bots in a full-multiplayer game but with a few aprilon'eans it might be fun. The Aprilon mumble server also still exists, could use that or someones TS3 if we have to (just, dear god, no ventrilo :3: ).

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 12:38

Well I personally hate mumble, but TS3 is fine with me. :D
It's nothing fantastic, MvM that is, but I thought it could be fun with a few of us. :)
Only problem, as I see it, is server-wise. Since the matchmaking is utterly broken, it would have to either be one of us that hosts it, or we need to be extremely lucky to get in on an empty one.

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 12:45

I think Cypherous had a MvM server ready he might lend to us passworded. I can host a dedicated one too if everything else fails. :)

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 12:55

Awesome! Thanks Blood.

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 13:00

I don't mind opening up the server for people to use, there are only 3 maps anyway, although i should warn you that for some reason my HLDS install crashes on map change so one of you would have to poke me when that happens and then tell me which map you want next :P

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 13:04

didnt crash when i hosted

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 16:17

Patchouli wrote:didnt crash when i hosted

Were you using HLDS or the listen server in TF2?

Re: MvM team?

20 Aug 2012, 18:20

Sure, let's team up!

Re: MvM team?

21 Aug 2012, 10:49

Awesome! :D
Cyph, any chance of one of us to get rcon or something, so we can restart it or change map/password? :)

Next question:
When should we do this? Tomorrow? Tonight?

Re: MvM team?

21 Aug 2012, 10:53

ManIAc wrote:Awesome! :D
Cyph, any chance of one of us to get rcon or something, so we can restart it or change map/password? :)

Next question:
When should we do this? Tomorrow? Tonight?

Rcon wont help in restarting it if it crashes, rcon needs a running process to connect to :P

You wouldn't need to change the password once its set as i specify it in my server.cfg file anyway, just let me know when you want to do it and i can have the server running just poke me over steam or IRC

Re: MvM team?

21 Aug 2012, 11:17

True, hadn't thought of that. Hard to reset stuff that has crashed. :D
Will do, Cyph. And thanks.

Re: MvM team?

21 Aug 2012, 18:13

I'm making a decision! :D
Tomorrow at 20:00 CET. (+1) I'm gonna try and gather a team there then. :P
Just be online if you want to play, I'll throw you a message on steam/irc.

Re: MvM team?

21 Aug 2012, 23:11

Tomorrow might be an issue as i plan on doing some streaming and that uses a lot of PC resources which would most likely cause the TF2 server to lag like a mofo :P
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