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Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

It is time...
After 2 long and creative years, and a couple of rollbacks (some catastrophic), it's time to start with a clean slate. The world has grown to a whopping 10GB and has become hard to maintain and handle.
We've decided that now is a good time to start from scratch. :)
But don't panic! The projects you are working on right now are safe and will be safe for the foreseeable future (more on this later).

So what happens now?
We would like to invite all minecraft players, with an interest of shaping the new world, to participate in the generation of the "seed value".
The seed value is used by the minecraft server software to randomly generate the shape and contents of the world (more information here).

I've created a website where you can add your bits of text or numbers, which will then be calculated into the final seed. The site should be self-explanatory. ;)
The site will be running for the next 7 days, so you have enough time to add seeds and vote on them until 21st of August - 13:00 UTC+2.

Once we have the final seed hash, I will create the world and everyone who is approved (or better) may start building in it.
There will however be a size limitation of the new world. We don't want to restrict anyone and there will be enough room for everyone, but we don't want to have a 10GB semi-deserted map again in two years. ;)

But what about my castle, I just got it the way I want it!
The old world will still be around when we start the new one and you will have plenty of time to finish any unfinished business.
However, we encourage building in the new world as we plan to make the old world read-only after several months.

If you have a really good reason to be allowed to build in the old world we will of course let you - but you should know that it's not going to last for long.
Chunk generation will be disabled and there won't be any further backups of the old world (after a grace period).

We also won't transfer any builds to the new world. It would defeat the purpose of making a new world if all the old builds would be there. :)

That's all I could think of for now, any questions? :v
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14 Aug 2012, 19:07
1 Posts

Even though we can build for some months after the new world is created we stil want to live in the castle we build afterwards and still want to use al the chest which are in there.
is it possible that u mail or transfer us the chunk on which the castle is build
so i can create a new server for jule700, gaesha, corthys, hemmeltje, archcry and myself to build on with this server ?

Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

Making the old world available for download sounds like a good idea. :D
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29 Oct 2011, 22:15
103 Posts

Wait, so I can't have acess to all of my stuff after a while!? That's going to be a massive problem for me.

I think I have atleast 22 double chests scattered about this world filled with handy material and supplies that I've obtained over the years. I'm going to have to go back and forth transfering it 44 times, assuming I don't screw up. Gah!

I would certainly download the final version of the old world too when it is available. Unfortunately I don't know how to get around the world much aside from warps.
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16 Aug 2012, 11:21
3 Posts

I think this is a bad idea.
I know it is annoying to have a 10gb world and I agree with the fact that there will be a new world.
But why would you lock all the old world contents?

I mean what differents does it make, you'll only piss of people that were busy with a big project or like to go on with there old world.
I just joined this server and I don't want to "lose" all my stuff, I know I don't actually lose it, but I won't be able to do anything with it.
I think the whole locking idea will cause people to run away to another server, i've heard several people saying that.

And the main reason to create a new world is to lower the map size right?
Why don't copy the old stuff in the new world then?
That's why the following sounds very strange to me:
We also won't transfer any builds to the new world. It would defeat the purpose of making a new world if all the old builds would be there.

Because I thought the purpose was to make the world smaller.
Also, it's already defeating the purpose of the new world because even after locking the contents can still be seen.

However, this is just my opinion, I am sure other people will think differently.

~ Archcry
Minecraft Administrator Minecraft Administrator
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12 Jun 2010, 19:04
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LifeTimeBLOOD wrote:
It is time...
We've decided that now is a good time to start from scratch. :)


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29 Oct 2011, 22:15
103 Posts

[16:05] <+Eion_Kilant_739> The minecraft server is down. Why is that?

[16:11] <+efarmer> The new world's being created

[16:11] <+Nitori> <efarmer> View topic - It's time for a new adventure - Aprilon Network

[16:12] <+Eion_Kilant_739> Daw. I was told that was going to happen in 3 days time from now.

[16:14] <+Prophecy> I thought that was going to be done the 21?

[16:14] <+RoY4lZ> mhm

[16:14] <+Prophecy> unless this is just preperation

[16:17] <@Karl> this is entirely false efarmer

[16:17] <@Karl> unless blood has said something else?

[16:17] == Prophecy [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]

[16:22] <+Eion_Kilant_739> I wonder when it will be back up. Perhaps it is being updated to the newest version?

[16:22] <+efarmer> wait, what

[16:22] <+efarmer> Karl: What is happening?

[16:23] <@Karl> everything on that vps is down

[16:23] <@Karl> so either the vps is down

[16:23] <@Karl> or even the whole machine is down

[16:24] <@Karl> i don't have any more information other what i've found out myself
Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

Apparently, the IP of my server was blackhole'd (receiving packets works, sending them doesn't)... just in perfect timing with a pulled leg-muscle, which bound me to my bed and a bottle of painkillers.
I spent the last few hours migrating to a different IP and restarting services so the server should be up again today, as soon as Karl wakes up to point the domain to the new IP.
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18 Aug 2012, 16:08
1 Posts

Can you give us the new ip address please?
We can connect to the ip instead of the server name
Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

I hoped Karl would have been online by now but but he seems busy with real-life. :chef:

You can reach the mc server via:, but you should keep the official address in your favorites/server-addressbook and connect through it once its pointing the right way again. ;)
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16 Aug 2012, 11:21
3 Posts

You may want to set the server address to
Since will be going down as soon as karl points the normal domain to that address.
using will always work, unless it's changed again.

~ Archcry
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29 Oct 2011, 22:15
103 Posts

And RoY4lZ was AFK on the server the entire time....

Thanks for the tip LifeTimeBLOOD and Archery. In hindsight that seems like something I should have tried once it was back up but unreachable from the usual link.
Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

Archcry wrote:
You may want to set the server address to
Since will be going down as soon as karl points the normal domain to that address.
using will always work, unless it's changed again.

Please use the domain (once it works again), the domain will always point to the right address (unusual circumstances like now are the exception :D ) since the IP may change whenever the mc server is relocated to a different provider (doesn't happen often but still).
Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts now points to that IP. Please continue to only use this address when connecting to the server, thanks!

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29 Oct 2011, 22:15
103 Posts

I hate to bring this up, but it seems that the voting page may have had some strange results.

LifeTimeBlood said himself that the accuracy of the voting system was more to do with honor than anything on the site. I do not think that has worked out because of how high the amount of votes have been lately. It started when Folcheart and I were neck and neck and were so close to 25. I was discussing in IRC wether or not to game the system and get something very rude to rank 25 before either of the two leading options as a joke (I assumed the highest value was 25). A few minutes later chinichi tells me to look at the voteing and lo-and-behold, someone did exactly that. It has only gotten worse from there and I doubt that the numbers are accurate.

The numbers are now at:
58 (NomNomNomPenis)
40 (Aprilon Dynasty)
36 (Folcheart is a sexy viking)
14 (cypherisgod ^_^)
9 (<3 Aprilon)
7 (LadyJiggleButt)
5 (SadPancakes)

Would it be possible to tell what IP voted what? It would be great in telling how many duplicate votes there are for each option.
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