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11 Jul 2010, 10:54
7 Posts

Every now and then, the IRC server echo for Minecraft is down, so chat is not relayed between in-game and in chat. But then sometimes it will just start-up and begin logging server chat. Is this someone signing in, or a pc being switched on...? I am unsure of what the feature involves. Could someone please clarify for me? Thanks.
Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

The server echo works through a Bukkit Plugin written by our very own HAPPYGOPUCKEY :cheers: , it has a minor glitch where if the IRC connection is lost (happens more often than you'd think) it doesn't always re-join the channel automatically.
If the bot is missing, tell an admin to do /ircbot join and it should come back that instance.
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11 Jul 2010, 10:54
7 Posts

Great. Thanks.
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