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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
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Welcome to the first ever Aprilon Minecraft Brotank Hunt

Hidden throughout the server are 21 Brotank's, they have come from far away to visit you all and they bring gifts.

Brotank's #1 to #20 will gift the first person to find them with a copy of the Humble Indie Bundle #3 containing 7 games redeemable on steam.

The special leader Brotank will gift you with not only a key for the Humble Indie Bundle #3 but also a key for the Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle, you'll be able to tell this special tank apart from the rest :)

In addition to this we will also be offering 9 lucky people a Humble Indie Bundle 3 key for building the best brotank companions, these will be judged by the following people who will then be given a key to give to the person they think made the best companion


For those interested i shall provide an example image of a brotank so people know what to look for.
Spoiler: Show

Below are the rules and how to win

#1 each person may only win 1 prize from each group, i.e you cannot find 2 Brotanks and claim 2 keys, you can however be given a key for finding a tank and a key for building a winning companion
#2 to enter you must provide a screenshot of you near the tank displaying your minecraft player model and you must also post the name of the warp nearest the tank, i have written these down so you can't cheat
#3 there are only 20 numbered brotanks in existence but there are some decoys placed in other locations to make this interesting, you must find a real one not a decoy
#4 Brotank companions must be of a similar size to the brotank as no brotank wants to feel small compared to its partner
#5 aprilon staff are not eligible for any prizes, i know i know sucks to be you but you have other benefits :P
#6 the contest will run from today 12th october 2011 for 14 days until the end of the 26th of october at which time the companion entries will be judged and prizes will be awarded, the companion prizes will be distributed after the 26th but the brotank hunt prizes will be awarded as and when a valid claim has been made
#7 all entries must be made in this thread and this thread only, any entries outside this thread will be ignored and will not count

We look forward to seeing what you come up with people, so have fun :)

Brotank Leader: FreakDK
Brotank #1 The Chosen One
Brotank #2 demonsnail
Brotank #3
Brotank #4
Brotank #5
Brotank #6 1337Wince
Brotank #7
Brotank #8 Xana
Brotank #9
Brotank #10
Brotank #11
Brotank #12
Brotank #13
Brotank #14
Brotank #15
Brotank #16
Brotank #17
Brotank #18
Brotank #19
Brotank #20

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13 Jun 2011, 04:34
23 Posts


In the shadow of warp oldspawn. The pic blocks it, but it's tank #1.

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08 May 2011, 19:08
11 Posts

i is winrar?

File comment: #11 at skyrain
2011-10-11_19.53.10.png [ 606.34 KiB | Viewed 6324 times ]

File comment: #3 at Fulsy Feild
2011-10-11_19.53.30.png [ 490.73 KiB | Viewed 6324 times ]

File comment: #4 at karltown
2011-10-11_19.58.34.png [ 366.36 KiB | Viewed 6324 times ]
Server Admin Server Admin
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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
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Why am i not surprised that pvt didn't actually read the rules in my first post :P

This sadly means a disqualification for breaking the rules :'(

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08 May 2011, 19:08
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#1 each person may only win 1 prize from each group, i.e you cannot find 2 Brotanks and claim 2 keys, you can however be given a key for finding a tank and a key for building a winning companion

it said i couldnt claim more than one prize it didnt say anything about posting more that one picture, so no i didnt break any rules,and you told me some where decoys, so i posted all 3 pictures.....
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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
434 Posts

Found #8!

First Person View:*

Third Person View:

For some reason I had a feeling it would be there hahah, I was all like hmmm... I have the urge to check EOS park hahah.

* = Was taken a bit slightly before the 3rd Person View photo was taken.

I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
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08 May 2011, 19:08
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ugh whats with those hideos chunks of floating cobblestone in the backround blocking my beutiful pixel artz D:
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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
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also does this "special leader brotank" look any different from the rest?

I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
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08 May 2011, 19:08
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i saw this and thought it looked like brotank king XD
note: probably not at all related to contest

2011-10-11_21.47.07.png [ 802.11 KiB | Viewed 6315 times ]
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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
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I have seen that too, thats nightmaresplody's though, I saw him build it, didn't think that would be considered the special brotank leader

I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
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Pvt_OBrien wrote:
#1 each person may only win 1 prize from each group, i.e you cannot find 2 Brotanks and claim 2 keys, you can however be given a key for finding a tank and a key for building a winning companion

it said i couldnt claim more than one prize it didnt say anything about posting more that one picture, so no i didnt break any rules,and you told me some where decoys, so i posted all 3 pictures.....

Common sense says only 1 prize means only 1 entry, i also told you in minecraft that finding more than one was redundant, is it really that hard to pay attention and put 1 and 1 together pvt?

Also no thats not the leader, he is the same general size as the other tanks he is just special ^_^

His sign also clearly marks him out as the leader.

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12 Jun 2010, 19:04
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does the brotank near my hidden place count :v? cuz i named the brotank "Cypherlicious"

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01 May 2011, 14:10
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Greatest achievement of my life this far :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Also, to the person who build all this shit, please - have all of my internets.




- Also it wasn't really next to any warps, I think - I just warped to "Blockland" and then browsed around with my compass when I found this awesomely awesome castle, then I saw the statue that the tank is on, without seeing the tank, cause I got overexcited when I saw the village :D
- on my way back I noticed that he had put tank on head.
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26 Mar 2011, 23:32
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my pic...:P

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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
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hehe freak, if you mean the hyrule castle town build then that was a few of us mainly me, cartmanj and chinichi :)

Updated main post and keys sent :)

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