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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
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The Eighth Call Of Duty is coming this November to no surprise, we all knew it was coming, considering a new COD comes every year.. and mostly every NOVEMBER. After World of War we knew there was gonna be a Call Of Duty continuing COD4, Thus having Modern Warfare 2 made. We all know that Infinity Ward makes the Modern Warfare series every other year after Treyarch makes theirs. After MW2, COD:Black Ops made its appearance, with the returnal of Nazi Zombies, people were psyched. But COD: Black Ops still hasn't impressed players to this day, some were actually disappointed with it. But now we knew what was next, we knew its Infinity Ward's turn to make a COD game, and with an obvious and easy guess, It was Modern Warfare 3, the possibility of that guess was PRETTY HIGH don't you think?

But anyways as this IS a General Games Discussion
Discuss about the upcoming came.
Post your thoughts, what YOU would like to see in this game, suggestions you would make for Infinity Ward, and STUFF LIKE THAT :D

This is A (PRE) Topic.

I Personally will be making these topics from time to time on games I am interested in. Then after 2 weeks - 1 month of the game release I'll be posting a (POST) topic on. This topic shall discuss on your thoughts of playing the game and stuff like that.

So yeah post your thoughts, I will too if this discussion gets pretty chatty.
Thanks :D


I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
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09 Apr 2010, 16:02
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Well, there are 3 possibilities:

It can be a fast-paced game with the abilities of ending a game with a killstreak that's too easy to obtain due to their overpowered perk combinations. In other words a shitty game. (read: MW2)

It can be more slow-paced actually playable game with somewhat reasonable killstreaks, weapons and perk combinations. In other words an awesome game. (read: BlOps)

It can be an entire new concept. I personally doubt it, seeing as they are making the 8th game in a serie and the 3rd game in a sub category of said game.

Also known as TheOwner24 on MineCraft.

CaRIOcas 2012:
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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
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It can be a fast-paced game with the abilities of ending a game with a killstreak that's too easy to obtain due to their overpowered perk combinations.

Lol sounds like a game for me. :v
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19 Dec 2009, 17:16
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Fuck this game.

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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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I tend to avoid these games as I'm sick and tired of everybody talking about these crappy games at school. I couldn't help that I got Black Ops, I received it for Christmas.
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
1890 Posts

Yeah.. I will keep my hands off any activision games in the future as well.
Didn't Activision go bankrupt or something?

Well at least they are treating their employees like crap, the fire anyone who is against them, and their CEO has said officially that he hates gamers.

So no thanks.
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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
434 Posts

I'll be replying to all of your answers in one post rather than making unnecessary individual posts :D

1337Wince wrote:
Well, there are 3 possibilities:

It can be a fast-paced game with the abilities of ending a game with a killstreak that's too easy to obtain due to their overpowered perk combinations. In other words a shitty game. (read: MW2)

It can be more slow-paced actually playable game with somewhat reasonable killstreaks, weapons and perk combinations. In other words an awesome game. (read: BlOps)

It can be an entire new concept. I personally doubt it, seeing as they are making the 8th game in a serie and the 3rd game in a sub category of said game.

I agree, well said! But My predicaments is that it'll be the same concepts as MW2 except new campaign of course, different killstreaks, hopefully MORe and better ones this time. But other than that I don't know..

Ultimate100 wrote:
1337Wince wrote:
It can be a fast-paced game with the abilities of ending a game with a killstreak that's too easy to obtain due to their overpowered perk combinations.

Lol sounds like a game for me. :v

Then you'll probably like MW3 if it is like that.

Flex My Rex wrote:
Fuck this game.

LMAO why?

Conor wrote:
I tend to avoid these games as I'm sick and tired of everybody talking about these crappy games at school. I couldn't help that I got Black Ops, I received it for Christmas.

Meh at first it was all great when COD4 came out and such, MW2 had those killstreaks which made it better, but Idk, what do you think about the series overall?

ManIAc wrote:
Yeah.. I will keep my hands off any activision games in the future as well.
Didn't Activision go bankrupt or something?

Well at least they are treating their employees like crap, the fire anyone who is against them, and their CEO has said officially that he hates gamers.

So no thanks.

Activision took over guitar hero and canceled it or something, but idk about being bankrupt.

and are you serious???? wow.. I kinda just lost respect for Activision if thats true..

But anyways I love the discussion, keep it up :D PERSONALLY I am just looking forward to continuing the campaign story, to see the new killstreaks, and to see if they actually put something new in there (like how they put Nazi Zombies in COD5, and the new killstreaks in MW2), and if its any better or not. Other than all of that, the game doesn't really interest me as much.

I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
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09 Apr 2010, 16:02
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If the price is somewhat nice I will buy it. I just hope the campaign wont be as the MW2 one. That was a huge disapointment.
Hopefully they will also make the guns a little more balanced and fucking remove the AK-47.

Also known as TheOwner24 on MineCraft.

CaRIOcas 2012:
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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
434 Posts

1337Wince wrote:
If the price is somewhat nice I will buy it. I just hope the campaign wont be as the MW2 one. That was a huge disapointment.
Hopefully they will also make the guns a little more balanced and fucking remove the AK-47.

Indeed, but you know what the price will be, its always the same.
$60 here in US

I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
1890 Posts

@ Xana

Key-phrase: "The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games."

And read THIS

I'll leave you to think for yourself what it says, but to me it would seem like the CEO of Activision has gotten more and more paranoid, thinking only about money, so he fired off the two lead designers on Infinity Ward, so he could have it all to himself, using the excuse that: "They were trying to undermine him, and steal the CoD franchise", which was developed by Infinity Ward in the first place.
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07 Apr 2011, 18:36
87 Posts

I have heard some roumors about this game:

Bigger maps.
"Big online universe" - What they mean about that I dont know.

..and so on.

Links: ... -this-fall ... -universe/

Also.. Black Ops 2 is in the making, lol. :lol: ... yce-83929/

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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
434 Posts

ManIAc wrote:
@ Xana

Key-phrase: "The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games."

And read THIS

I'll leave you to think for yourself what it says, but to me it would seem like the CEO of Activision has gotten more and more paranoid, thinking only about money, so he fired off the two lead designers on Infinity Ward, so he could have it all to himself, using the excuse that: "They were trying to undermine him, and steal the CoD franchise", which was developed by Infinity Ward in the first place.

WTF that is so messed up! Omg, wow.. Whats this guys name?

Mr_Myhre wrote:
I have heard some roumors about this game:

Bigger maps.
"Big online universe" - What they mean about that I dont know.

..and so on.

Links: ... -this-fall ... -universe/

Also.. Black Ops 2 is in the making, lol. :lol: ... yce-83929/

hmm sounds cool, kinda excited now ahah

and OH wow.. Black Ops 2.. thats a bit of surprise, wasn't expecting that..

I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

Modern Warfare was good.
Modern Warfare 2 was.. meh. this again?
Black Ops was .. I don't even care anymore, its always the same. Never finished it.
Modern Warfare 3 was .. fuck it. They'r just recycling ideas to milk money from gamers.
Whats next? 'Call of Duty: The Final Frontier' in space?

Infinity Ward stopped making games for the gaming community and just produces something that people will buy for money.
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19 Dec 2009, 17:16
1037 Posts

Also let's not forget, take out half the game when you release it, then slowly release that second half that should have been in the full game already, over the course of 6 months, in 5 different DLC packs costing 15 euro each.

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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
434 Posts

LifeTimeBLOOD wrote:
Modern Warfare was good.
Modern Warfare 2 was.. meh. this again?
Black Ops was .. I don't even care anymore, its always the same. Never finished it.
Modern Warfare 3 was .. fuck it. They'r just recycling ideas to milk money from gamers.
Whats next? 'Call of Duty: The Final Frontier' in space?

Infinity Ward stopped making games for the gaming community and just produces something that people will buy for money.

I ACTUALLY agree with this, it ALWAYS is the same. My friends ask me how come I never go on Black Ops or MW2 when I used to go on COD4 and COD5 all the time. I tell them, its always the same, it starts to bore me after while. But I am looking forward to see if it STILL is the same, without a doubt it is, but I'd like to see if any of the new stuff they put in makes a difference, other than that, I could care less about it xD
and LOL at COD: The Final Frontier in Space ahah Infinity Ward + Trolls would probably take that as an idea xD

Flex My Rex wrote:
Also let's not forget, take out half the game when you release it, then slowly release that second half that should have been in the full game already, over the course of 6 months, in 5 different DLC packs costing 15 euro each.

Oh wow, I didn't know about that, all they want is $$$ pretty much.

I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
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