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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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I was just playing today on the BW/GR server, and some guy called "[Anarchy 99] Aktivisti" was spamming. I kindly told him to stop, and he said that he wouldn't, because he had gotten a permission from Karl to do so. I asked Karl, and said that he remembered no such thing, and when confronting the player with it, he said it was over a year ago. Anyhow, since it was so long ago, his "permission" was no longer valid, so I asked him to stop. He simply replied that he wouldn't, because he would basicly just not get caught. It was clear that he was spamming every warmup, as the other players of his team kept saying: "Lool nice music", "Stop spamming!" and the like, but because I didn't hear it for myself, I couldn't quite ban him. After I told Karl, he banned him for an hour.

I just ask of you to keep an eye out for him and/or other people doing the same. If you catch the guy im talking about, doing the same, please give him a bigger ban-hammer. No need for a permanent, just a day or week will do I guess. :)

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30 Oct 2009, 14:32
50 Posts

Where does it state playing music during warm-up is something to ban for?

I've only seen "Don't be a douchebag" but frankly that is too subjective to be applied on anything. What people see as offensive varies a lot, some might approve racism whereas others might not.

Personally, I enjoy it when there's music during warm-up. If the music is bad then I can mute the player and move on. So in my eyes, playing music during warm-up isn't being a douchebag... especially when it's We Are The Champions. By Queen.

a.k.a. Ironballs
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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It is currently being discussed in the administrative board. Server policies that is.
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10 Mar 2010, 17:47
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Okay, first of all i dont deny that i have played music. Thing is that I do that and I find out that many like it (okay not when i play weirdest song i have) but anyway im liked there! I always check chat when people reply to my music. Yes sometimes its kinda ''stfu'' ''stop playing'' but i find that out more seldom than positive comments. I dont see point here, I have nothing against aprilon community and I will continue playing music even if I do get bans all the time.
Just ban me permanently if you find it best solution ;)
If you decide to ban me from aprilon, I wont be gone alone! Some of my friends are going to leave from aprilon if I will be banned permanently from raising atmosphere in server (Tonde, Deso and Pälväri) for instance.

Firstly goes DB.. has anarchys turn came? Decide is your's, this may not be friendliest message I write against aprilon but im not playing with this stuff and wait if my request goes through. I demand!

Ps: Theres always mute for people who's having bad day! (And its very easy to mute someone)

[Anarchy99 Aktivisti]
Server Admin Server Admin
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Oookay. So if im getting this right. You're saying: "Let me play music, or I will leave and take people with me." That's basicly it?

Well I would say that I don't see how that can be contributing positively to the atmosphere of the server.
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

Your ban is only for an hour and it is for evading an administrator's wish to not play annoying music. I don't really like how you are dictating to us now.

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10 Mar 2010, 17:47
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Yes, im saying absolutely so.

And you're trying to be smartass second time today. Be gone with it... reminds me from [Gt]Chaoslava.

I love aprilon, thats why I want to keep it as its always been!

E: goes to maniac
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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I don't see why you think im being a smartass, im mearly making sure people follow the rules, when you, on the other hand, chose to do whatever pleases you.
But as you don't seem to care about what I say, there's no reason for me to discuss it with you.
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10 Mar 2010, 17:47
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You aint getting it! Im discussing from this thing because back days I was allowed to play music! It was also liked back in days but now suddenly im not allowed? What has changed? I even have almost same playlist!

Nothings wrong in aprilon and im happy to see some admins roaming around nowadays and I've never had problems with you guys. Now problems came and I find out I have done nothing wrong.
Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

Decided to unban you. Also, stop being an asshole "oh when admins are not around I'll do whatever the fuck I want". I really disliked that we're being dictated to. Thanks.

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