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Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 20:16

There has been bans without reason in Aprilon recent days.

For example -SG-1337Wince [NOR] askedfrom Aya: "Is he admin?"

Aya kicked 1337Wince for proof.

After that Aya said: "I ban assholes." Then -SG-1337Wince [NOR] was joked: "Then ban urself. :D"

Then Wince was banned for a week which is unreasonable long time (and there was no warnings).

After that incident came to server said: "Hello Aya and everybody else." Then Aya "warned" me for bans. I don't know why he has been warning me about them without reason. Ive been playing blamelessly long time on Aprilon.

After that one sniper mentioned something about Aya. I said: "If Aya shoots so fast, he might have autofire."

Then Aya raged: "You fucking kid learn to play. Is it irritating when someone is better than you?"

I gave my opininion: "In my opinion you're not"

Then Aya said: "Fuck I can't take this anymore. Ive have been warning you!!"

Then I was banned and ban reason was very rude: "You're a massive dickhead, time and time again have we warned and banned you and you never listened. Goodbye." I was Permanently banned.

It's not real reason to ban people if you "just don't like em". Such of behavior by admin is very immature and it's bad for Aprilon's reputation.

For example Karlicious, QB, CartmanJr have done very good admin job and I've never seen them banning without reason.

Even though you don't remove my unncessessary bans I want to thank all frags and game hours in Aprilon with you. At least I wish that you do something admins like that.

Thank you, Ive spoken.

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 20:25

Miggo, firstly, you have been warned several time by both myself and Aya so you've known this was coming, i stand beside Aya's decision as personally if he hadn't done it i would have sooner or later, when you're on the losing team you whine more than any other person i've ever met to the point that you've verbally insulted myself and resorted to teletrapping on 2 occasions that i personally witnessed and one time i banned you for it.

You have zero respect for any of the server population and even less for admins making very valid requests of you to STFU and stop being a douche but you haven't listened, personally good riddance it was going to happen sooner or later, i hope that you atleast realise how much of a douche you act on the server from this ban because otherwise the only place i see you playing is on X Box Live where you'll fit in perfectly.

Also CartmanJr has never banned without reason because he's not an admin ;) so atleast get your facts straight before whining like a sorry ass bitch because you finally got your long overdue permaban.

*high5's Aya*

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 20:33

Miggo wrote:For example Karlicious, QB, CartmanJr have done very good admin job and I've never seen them banning without reason.

DOOO EEEET lol first time ive seen him write something awesome XD

*kneels before Aya* I love you @.@

Also FINALLY >.> Douche

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 20:33

Then Aya raged: "You fucking kid learn to play. Is it irritating when someone is better than you?"

I gave my opininion: "In my opinion you're not"

Then Aya said: "Fuck I can't take this anymore. Ive have been warning you!!"

I don't see why he should be banned for expressing his opinion?

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 20:38


Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 20:41

Ultimate100 wrote:
Then Aya raged: "You fucking kid learn to play. Is it irritating when someone is better than you?"

I gave my opininion: "In my opinion you're not"

Then Aya said: "Fuck I can't take this anymore. Ive have been warning you!!"

I don't see why he should be banned for expressing his opinion?

People are allowed to voice their opinions but given his previous history and having 2 yes 2 final warnings issued to him by 2 different admin's without improving his conduct, to be honest he should never have recieved 2 of them but i wasn't aware that Aya had given him one aswell but thats more of a benefit to miggo he was given an extra chance most never get to improve himself but failed to take it.

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 21:16

I think it's a pity that Miggo has been permabanned.
I will not judge if it was righteous or not because i haven't had a chance to experience his behavior much.
I can see from Miggo's chatlog that he curses a lot, but (as with other previous threads on that subject) i think there is no public policy on cursing so that isn't really illegal. Then again i don't know if he has been banned for cursing only.
I would just like the admins (or maybe Karl) to investigate these claims(Miggo's) to see if they are right.

Justice must prevail! ;-)

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 21:51

I've lost count of how many times Miggo built looping teleporters that got people stuck when the team he happened to be in was losing. Apart from that, I've also lost count of how many perfect examples of poor sportsmanship he gave in the chat.

I feel pity here, not because of the ban, but for him. I will miss seeing him play, again not because of his abilities, but because he was a reminder that if one day I was to take this game too seriously and begin insulting others for no real reason, I would be like him. A reminder that I duly noted and a trait I eventually began to despise.

Good riddance? Probably not. Warranted? Yes.

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 22:05

Unfair ban :(
At least a permaban is over the top :(

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 22:14

1337Wince wrote:Unfair ban :(
At least a permaban is over the top :(

He has been banned several times and also given final warnings by 2 admins, thats a reason to perma ban. >.>

Re: Improper admin actions

14 Apr 2010, 22:34

First of all, your posts, as well as Wince's are filled to the brim with misinformation. I will spare you by trying to correct each and every one of them, but firstly the things I said to you were never in such insulting or rude tone.

Secondly, Miggo, you manage to forget the fact you are the biggest douche I have seen on a server in years. You are truely pathetic beyond everything I have ever seen. You manage to destroy a friendly, casual atmosphere on the server with your petty insults, accusations and general whining. Not only that, but as Cypherous says, you have never, ever shown ANY respect for ANYONE on the server, be it admins or not. The first day we met, you already started being personal with me, probably because I kept killing you. I never insulted you, mostly ignored you.

Please go ahead and twist my words to make it seem like I am the big bad man, and you are the victim. You are very unfriendly, and have always tried to provoke me (probably others as well, but you have seemed to have a big problem with me ever since the first time we met).

I honestly don't know what to say apart from the fact you are pathetic, and that upon questioning, almost every single regular on the server agrees with that.

You should have been banned a long time ago. And yes, the reason you were banned probably a few personal reasons, but you knew this was coming, no need to try and act all innocent. You know damn well what you are doing, and why you are banned. You are not getting unbanned, and you only have yourself to blame. If you were anyone else, you would have been permanently banned far sooner. I warned you for weeks, you have been banned and kicked plenty of times before, for being a massive douche, as well as literally ruining the fun of others by teletrapping. I don't normally give people third chances, but with you I definitely did - even though you're pathetic.

Also, being extremely cynical and sarcastic when you're on the server also doesn't help your cause. Provoking admins doesn't either. You should not be surprised at all you got perma banned, I knew for a fact you'd be banned weeks ago, you are incapable of change - you're extremely childish.

Also, the way you wrote your post is making it seem like I'm some angry, uptight dictator admin who's out to ban everyone he doesn't like. I don't warn you out of nowhere just because you say "Hello everyone", I also never banned Wince without any warning. Normal people, and people who know me, should know I'm actually quite a relaxed admin - that is, until I have to deal with people like you. Misinformation upon misinformation plus some lies and things that never even happened is just making me look bad for no reason. Very childish. None of the things you list in your post as if they are facts, are actually facts.

And quite frankly, the whole server was getting sick of you and your behaviour, not just the admins, everyone. That alone would have been a good enough reason to ban someone, but we decided to be fair and give you a lot more chances to change.

That is all.

Re: Improper admin actions

15 Apr 2010, 09:16

Aya wrote:First of all, your posts, as well as Wince's are filled to the brim with misinformation. I will spare you by trying to correct each and every one of them, but firstly the things I said to you were never in such insulting or rude tone.

Secondly, Miggo, you manage to forget the fact you are the biggest douche I have seen on a server in years. You are truely pathetic beyond everything I have ever seen. You manage to destroy a friendly, casual atmosphere on the server with your petty insults, accusations and general whining. Not only that, but as Cypherous says, you have never, ever shown ANY respect for ANYONE on the server, be it admins or not. The first day we met, you already started being personal with me, probably because I kept killing you. I never insulted you, mostly ignored you.

That is all.

Calling douche, pathetic, massive dickead, asshole, kid isn't insulting? It is strange how they choose immature admin who is insulting more than the most of people. Even prick can be a good admin. Well it's other peoples problem now.

Re: Improper admin actions

15 Apr 2010, 09:22

Did you even try to understand my side of the story? You have been literally bullying me every time I've been on the server, LITERALLY since the first day we have met. For months and months I tried to ignore it, even turn it into some humerous situation. You never learn, you frustrate me to no end. Those words I called you are exactly what describes you. You have been warned, banned, kicked numerous times and you never changed.

You have never just played nice and had fun, you always came on the server to fuck around, I think that's pretty clear to everyone.

People like you aren't welcome. We gave you an ungodly amount of chances to redeem yourself, and stop messing around, but you never listened. I think by giving you so many chances, warning you so many times instead of banning you outright, shows that I am mature enough to act objectively regardless of the fact that I personally really dislike you, even more so in your favour because you are a regular and have been playing here for quite some time. So don't tell me about maturity. I am more mature than you in every single way. Remember how you call everyone a cheater when they are better than you? There we go.

Re: Improper admin actions

15 Apr 2010, 10:13

I never had much problems with Miggo to be honest. Yes, one time he was laming with the teleporters. And yes, every once and a while he could be whining pretty much. But apart from that nothing to be banned for. Though I believe that Aya and Cypherous are admins that will do what they need to do to keep this server nice and friendly and as I can read it here they have given you several warnings/bans/kicks already.

Re: Improper admin actions

15 Apr 2010, 12:14

Miggo is a cool guy, but he does some stupid shit, whine and try to make people angry. So I don't know, maybe it was right to ban, maybe not.
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