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payload 24/7 suggestion

22 Jun 2009, 21:03

I personally think a good idea to look into would be reserved slots for admins and people willing to pay for them.

It would be a good poetential income for the server and it would give the admins another incentive to be good admins and look after the server.

the only downside i would feel is that it may put people off the site and the possibilty of getting booted.

Just a small idea for ya.

Re: payload 24/7 suggestion

22 Jun 2009, 21:45

This suggestion is still in the works.
The possibility of players getting booted is what has to be done to give the donators what they pay for (lets say £3 for 30 days since obviously reserved slots are limited).

Reserved slots will be implemented soon to stack up our budget to keep the server up and running and possibly getting more servers, and/or hopefully our own dedicated server to host multiple game servers. We'll have to do this if we want to expand the community.

This thread will serve as a discussion thread for reserved slots.

Re: payload 24/7 suggestion

24 Jun 2009, 04:00

For your information,

Reserved slots will be launched later today. As it's kinda late right now I'm too tired to install plugins. Exciting times!

Re: payload 24/7 suggestion

24 Jun 2009, 20:54

I don't know if this is already being included but with reserved slots i think you should get exemption from being auto balanced, as i said, i don't know if it's included but it would be a great idea.

Re: payload 24/7 suggestion

24 Jun 2009, 21:34

LyleSpruce wrote:I don't know if this is already being included but with reserved slots i think you should get exemption from being auto balanced, as i said, i don't know if it's included but it would be a great idea.

Definately would be a nice addition to the donator package.

Re: payload 24/7 suggestion

24 Jun 2009, 21:53

It would bring a new incentive to donate to the server and genrally help out.
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