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05 Oct 2011, 23:19
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Yesterday I had a chance to speak with ChinChi about future events and I found out that there will be some events announced soon oOo. Than I had a think about possible events and I came up with an idea to build like an Olympic Resort. Inside of the whole resort there would be different stands for competitions. As for now I only came up with some ideas about it, but I'd guess there are loads more of competitions that could be made. I thought to make:
~a track, like a running track
~ice ring, like a track but instead of running you'd be skating on it :P
~arrow throw competition - just a block and some space to throw the arrows
~cart push - an area with rails and different objects which would make it harder to push the carts.

Now a question to players and admins what do you think about creating such resort and if you do like the idea what competitions/games could be going on there.

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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
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Bump :)
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29 Oct 2011, 22:15
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Ultimate100 wrote:
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07 May 2011, 22:41
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I've had an idea to build an ice rink for months and months now ;_;

I was gonna go all out too...replicate ice arenas full scale and stuff...

transformation tuesday: my selfie from the original selfie thread vs my selfie now
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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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I was gonna go all out too...replicate ice arenas full scale and stuff...

But then you took an arrow to the knee?

So sorry for the bump but it is so worth it. :3
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07 May 2011, 22:41
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Conor wrote:
But then you took an arrow to the knee?


transformation tuesday: my selfie from the original selfie thread vs my selfie now
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12 Jun 2011, 14:15
102 Posts

Gucio wrote:
Yesterday I had a chance to speak with ChinChi about future events and I found out that there will be some events announced soon oOo. Than I had a think about possible events and I came up with an idea to build like an Olympic Resort. Inside of the whole resort there would be different stands for competitions. As for now I only came up with some ideas about it, but I'd guess there are loads more of competitions that could be made. I thought to make:
~a track, like a running track
~ice ring, like a track but instead of running you'd be skating on it :P
~arrow throw competition - just a block and some space to throw the arrows
~cart push - an area with rails and different objects which would make it harder to push the carts.

Now a question to players and admins what do you think about creating such resort and if you do like the idea what competitions/games could be going on there.

Nice idea , but noone will use it. Really, when was the last time we had a game on Fulsyfield?

Look, im just a Signature....

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