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02 Oct 2011, 11:10
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hey i just thought i should make a few suggestions for the server on what i have seen on alot of server.
some of the things i think you could add would be the mod TOWNY or ICONOMY and add some money to the game i was recently on a sever that gets alot of people on and the one thing people were interested on were jobs money and making there own towns to me that sounds fun.

also you could use a bit more staff i have only seen one admin on the whole time i have been playing on this server the other ones were the people who brought the rank so get some people on bigger ranks for more protection.

and the last thing would be a simpler rank system. mostly everyone on the server has been asking how to get moderator or admin but know one knows how they know they have to earn it but how do they earn it make it easy to understand to you players so they have fun and know what to do to make the owners happy

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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
840 Posts

You don't apply for mod or admin if we think you're up to it we will ask you but asking for it gets you an auto no ;)

As for the server, we have people monitoring it at all times, just because you can't see us doesn't mean we aren't looking ;)

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02 Oct 2011, 11:10
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ok i get that but you could use some more fun mods to get some people joining
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02 Oct 2011, 11:10
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and i know someone who manage to break the lava fall at the spawn i help clean it up thats how i know there could have been some people on to help
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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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I'm no expert at Minecraft servers, however, having more plugins could cause more lag and put off players from joining the server.

We have LogBlock installed, meaning that admins can see whoever edited what block, anywhere. So when you see someone griefing like hell, alert an admin and show them where it occurred.

You also mentioned how you've only seen one admin during your time of playing on the server. Be aware that in our IRC, we can see what is being said in Minecraft on our server. So there could be an admin watching the chat, but not necessarily be in the game itself.

I've seen players asking how they can become admin, or if they can pay for it. Each time, I make it very clear that becoming an admin or a moderator is a result of a long presence in the community, a huge amount of trust and in some circumstances, supporting the server financially (Remember, you DO NOT PAY for these ranks, it's just that contributing helps the upkeep of the servers so much).
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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
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We carefully handpick who we want as operators on our Minecraft server and we decide whether a player is moderator-material or not.

If you catch someone in the act of griefing, do not hesitate to type !admin as this will alert me (a lot) on the IRC. Please do only use this command if it is an emergency :)
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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
840 Posts

awesomeness1 wrote:
ok i get that but you could use some more fun mods to get some people joining

The people attracted by random mods are not the kind of people we are interested in ;)

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