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14 Aug 2010, 12:12
24 Posts

guys, i know your objections about Upwards, but come on, it's a map that everybody likes. besides, you've put Thudermountain on the rotation which is awful (especially that part where blue wins EVERY time).

Upwards is a welcome escape from claustrophobic corridor maps like Barnblitz etc. please put it back again!
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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
840 Posts

I think one of the issues it was removed is because of performance issues, the map has more eye candy than you can shake a stick at and even people with decent rigs notice an FPS drop, and on that note the last point is pretty much a perma choke and degenerates in to a simple spamfest for the defending team :)

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09 May 2010, 14:52
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I just love Upwards.

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02 Jan 2011, 00:58
332 Posts

I think Upwards is pretty cool map. Eh is Payload and doesn't afraid of BLU Team.

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