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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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Just wanna let you know this has happened twice now, sometimes when I use a reserved slot on the Sandbox server, I can't connect. I am then able to connect about a minute later to a empty server. This just happened around 19:54PM GMT.
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11 Aug 2009, 20:12
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I don't know about any problem like this happening before, but I haven't been on in a while (who knew a degree in computer science was so hard to get :P).
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Jamza wrote:
I don't know about any problem like this happening before, but I haven't been on in a while (who knew a degree in computer science was so hard to get :P).

What's the deal? If it's broken, all you need to do is shut down your computer, wait 20 seconds, (Because it's in those 20 seconds the magic happens), then boot it up again, and then it works.
Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

Remains unfixed after todays attempt on fixing it. I've disabled the reserved slots for now to prevent unintentional crashes. Thanks, Conor :)

Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

I've been meaning to fix this in the 25/10/2010 update to the Sandbox, but I need at least one guy for testing (one that could join or vice versa). Any people available later this month for this?

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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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I could do it later this month if I'm not too busy with school.
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