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27 Dec 2009, 10:09
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When a player joins, it states their Steam ID aswell as their name
RoY4lZ [AD] Steam:0:0:000000 Has joined the server and
RoY4lZ [AD] Steam:0:0:000000 Has entered the server.

The rules
Aswell as the rules that are there atm, we need the blatant obvious ones on there too. There are kids that play the server, and idiots that don't have any common sence.
Also, a 15 second timer on there too, so they actually have to read the rules, and not just tick the box and go in.

I'll post some more when I rememeber them..

Known as RoY4lZ on Steam and Minecraft
Known as Ponystroker69 on Origin.
Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
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RoY4lZ wrote:

When a player joins, it states their Steam ID aswell as their name
RoY4lZ [AD] Steam:0:0:000000 Has joined the server and
RoY4lZ [AD] Steam:0:0:000000 Has entered the server.

The rules
Aswell as the rules that are there atm, we need the blatant obvious ones on there too. There are kids that play the server, and idiots that don't have any common sence.
Also, a 15 second timer on there too, so they actually have to read the rules, and not just tick the box and go in.

I'll post some more when I rememeber them..

1) Why? I can't alter the "joined the game" line. I can alter the "has entered the server" but it'll look damn ugly.

2) Why? 15 seconds? That's just going to annoy people. How are you planning on compensating those 15 seconds of their life for revisiting players?

Server Admin Server Admin
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11 Aug 2009, 20:12
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Karl wrote:
2) Why? 15 seconds? That's just going to annoy people. How are you planning on compensating those 15 seconds of their life for revisiting players?

Maybe 10 seconds on first visit, then just a checkbox thereafter.
Server Admin Server Admin
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27 Dec 2009, 10:09
618 Posts

Jamza wrote:
Karl wrote:
2) Why? 15 seconds? That's just going to annoy people. How are you planning on compensating those 15 seconds of their life for revisiting players?

Maybe 10 seconds on first visit, then just a checkbox thereafter.

10 seconds sounds good. :D

I don't know about the Steam ID stated when they join, it was just a random idea :P

Known as RoY4lZ on Steam and Minecraft
Known as Ponystroker69 on Origin.
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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
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I was thinking the same as Jamza.
First time visit = Timer on the rules
After that = No time
Server Admin Server Admin
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Just write in the chatbox that their IP has been logged, and that we know where they live.
For further encouragement to follow the rules, say we have tactical nukes at our disposal.
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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
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What Maniac said.
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09 Apr 2010, 16:02
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Also known as TheOwner24 on MineCraft.

CaRIOcas 2012:
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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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Nice idea :)
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