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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
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Ok this thread was bound to come up eventually so i guess i'll start it, list the greats you have watched :P

Toradora (Funny as hell but carries a deeper story)
Clannad (First season was amusing and second was deeply emotional)
Death Note (Pure genius from the word go)

Just a few from my list what are yours :P

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25 Oct 2009, 03:51
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Puni Puni Poemy (Pure Un-Adulterated Insanity \o/)
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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
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I watched Hellsing and DBZ some years ago, if that counts as anime. :)
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07 Jul 2009, 02:20
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hehe that counts, if you had said pokemon i would have to hurt you :P

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02 Oct 2009, 15:24
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Cypherous wrote:
hehe that counts, if you had said pokemon i would have to hurt you :P
so would i..


Known as "Ocfos" since '01.
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08 Jun 2009, 23:11
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Death Note, and Elfen Lied.

Both were awesome.
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22 Aug 2009, 05:36
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I saw cowboy bebop years ago which was awesome and have watched all 25 episodes probably like 3 times, I've seen bleach, and I'm a big fan of miyazaki's movies, also deathnote was pretty good.

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AD - Young Grasshopa Krzykris: karl?
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21 Jul 2009, 17:21
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Gobo wrote:
Elfen Lied.

Elfen Lied is just like the best.




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21 Jul 2009, 17:21
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Elfen Lied, Maburaho, and Soul Eater.
Those are my 3 favourite animes.
Must see animes. :)




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25 Oct 2009, 03:51
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Its November 2013, I now likes...

Kill la Kill
The story is set on a high school that the student council president Satsuki Kiryuuin rules by force. Wielding a giant Basami scissors sword, the wandering transfer student Ryuuko Matoi brings about upheaval on the campus. Ryuuko searches for the mysterious figure who caused her father's death, but confronting her are the student council's "four divine kings." Fortunately, Ryuuko is aided by a talking sailor uniform who tells her, "Wear me. When I am worn by you, this power will become manifest."

Outbreak Company
Having a light novel author father and an eroge illustrator mother, Kanou Shinichi is a thoroughbred otaku. However he does not have any special power except for his broad knowledge, sharp insight, and impeccable instinct about "MOE" and its products, from manga to anime to games to light novel to figures. One day he found himself transported to a fantasy world where elves live and dragons fly. And he is given a task—not to fight monster or embark on a quest, but to enhance cultural exchange by becoming a "moe missionary" in this fantasy world! He meets a palace guard who has a bit of fujoshi taste, a half-elf maid, and the empress who is a little girl. He comes up with the idea of building a school. At first it runs as a comedy but later there are serious matters that Shinichi needs to face: ethnic discrimination, social problems, conflict with neighboring countries, sabotage by opposition elements including Japanese government, etc. Can he overcome the obstacles, successfully bring "moe" culture to the fantasy world, and help the people there as well?

In the world where the taste and texture of food are very important there is Toriko, a hunter of precious foods regularly hired by restaurants and the rich. A man with inhuman skills to capture the ferocious, evasive and rare animals to complete his ultimate dinner course and then the chef Komatsu, his current accomplice: a weak timid person who was inspired by Toriko's greatness and accompanies him on all his journeys on his quest for the course of his life.
Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

lol great Sword Art Online is over my anime career sucks and has ended

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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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Karl wrote:
lol great Sword Art Online is over my anime career sucks and has ended

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