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30 Apr 2011, 12:47
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Name: [Aprilon]kikbow
Steam ID or Minecraft name:STEAM_0:0:30823892
Time you were banned:Forever
Reason why you were banned:A guy was making a chess board. Trying to be funny, spawned GlaDos on a side of the chess board and told the owner of it to play vs GlaDos. An Vip/Admin told me to delete glados. I deleted it and he said that if i broke the server's rules again he whould ban me. After a while i spawned a little headcrab and while writing the following question: "Can I use Lammar?", I got banned.
Explanation of why you think you were wrongly banned: He never mentioned "dont spawn more npcs", he just told me to delete glados. He never mentioned the rule i was breaking so i didnt knew i could spawn other type of npc, that, in this case, was way more smaller (and both glados and lamarr are just animations, so they cant attack other players). I though he didnt want glados because it was big.
Even though it is a rule (never readed that anywhere) i got banned forever, where i should be banned from 1 day to 1 week. Basicly, Aprilon's server was the only one i've played and the admin/vip acused me to be new to the server. He ignored that i knew Conor.
PS: If you may, make me stay banned for some more days, but i just dont think i deserve to be banned forever
*EDIT*- Connor to Conor
*EDIT2*- forgot steam id

Server Admin Server Admin
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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
1051 Posts

Some facts, kikbow:
1) You were in the wrong by spawning props on other peoples contraptions/games/etc.
2) Stating the fact that you know an admin usually wont help much.

Seeing as you haven't told us when you were banned, I can not currently assist you in getting unbanned, please provide the following information to help us resolve this issue:

· Day and Time you were banned from our server.
· State which admin banned you.
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30 Apr 2011, 12:47
9 Posts

Sorry, but i cant really remmember the time. only that it was more than a week ago.
He banned me for breaking the unknown rule he mentioned.
Oh and i didnt spawn anything on his chess board. I know the rules :) i just spawned it floating near it and you needed to stack ~3 jeeps to reach GlaDos
Also, I DID break a rule with out even knowing i did, that was breaking 1 glass prop while using a companion cube. i know the rules and its my favorite server so i didnt want to be banned.
also, i didnt say that knowing an admin whould help, i was just telling him so he whould belive i had been playing before, and not just randowly joined 15 minutes ago.
Admin that banned me- [AD]Dave. im not sure about the [AD] tag but his name is Dave
*EDIT*- Some grammar correcting.
*EDIT2*- More grammar correcting

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30 Apr 2011, 12:47
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bump :( 2 days already and no answer

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16 Aug 2009, 23:54
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Here is my expert witness testimony. Because I was there when it happened, and I was the one that banned you.

Okay, let me start by saying that it is defined in the server configuration, the server-side user management and security addon ULX that only admins and higher may spawn NPCs and several other types of special entities. What you in fact did do, is some how (I don't know how) circumvent that protection to spawn into the game, something you should not have had at all to begin with.

Let me be clear, that if it is in your intention to go and intentionally break through our server's security layers just to get something you shouldn't have, then of course you're going to get yourself banned. Destroying someone else's work is one thing, but somehow bypassing all the layers of protection we have established on our server is a whole new major league ball game.

This also shows to us that you have hacking tendencies, and I don't particularly like those who have hacking tendencies. What happened to all of those who either ran those SlobBot scripts or compromised our server's security sometime last year? They all got banned. Every single one of them.

Also, does this message seem familiar to you at all?:
"This server is VAC secured, cheating will result in a PERMANENT BAN."


What's the point of getting gmod if you have no creativity?

Dave [AD] killed Karlicious using prop_physics

|SLA|ƿƐȚȝɌ ΡլϓЅ<33: if i was admin i will set prop limit 800
Maximus: me 2
Server Admin Server Admin
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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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I am afraid that based on both of your replies, I have to inform you that I will not be lifting your ban as Dave has mentioned that you had spawned an NPC. We do infact have protection to stop users from spawning NPCs and ragdolls for various reasons.
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30 Apr 2011, 12:47
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i didnt spawn any npc. It was an adv dupe that whould SIMULATE the npc. i dont remmember ANYONE to be able to spawn GlaDos, not even a player with the highest rank. I did not break any layer of protection, neither hack to make glados or the headcrab appear.

Server Admin Server Admin
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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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Well, this turns the story over.

Dave, was it GlaDOS?
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16 Aug 2009, 23:54
965 Posts

Yes it was.

Addendum, I have done some research on what and what does not make an NPC an NPC. Here are my results.

Here is a screenshot containing different types of entities. No distinctions yet, however.

Here is a second screenshot of the same, with my addon Falco's Xray addon enabled, thus outlining the different entities with different coloured wireframes.

From left to right:
  • Player
  • Physics Prop
  • Ragdoll or any other gmod specific entity
  • NPCs

As you can see, the entities wireframed in green are are the targets of Wire Rangers, which are connected to text screens to tell me what class they are. The results are generic_actor and npc_kleiner, but hold on right there because I'm not finished with this just yet.

Refering to Valve's source engine developer wiki, both LINK:npc_kleiner and LINK:generic_actor both contain references to the BaseNPC keyvalues. To further back this up, here's a snippet of lua code extracted from Falco's Xray addon.

elseif v:IsNPC() and (r ~= 0 or g ~= 255 or b ~= 0 or a ~= 255) then
allcolors[v] = Color(r,g,b,a)
FSetColor(v, 0, 255, 0, 255)

Did you see that? Look at the IsNPC() condition, the lua code inside that tells the game to render ALL NPCs with a wireframe material, coloured green, no less. Therefore, generic_actor or not, you still spawned what is considered and defined in the game's source code to be an NPC.


I am done with both this ban request and this thread. Additionally, should Conor (Not Conzor or Connor) see fit to unban you, then the decision to do so rests squarely with him.


What's the point of getting gmod if you have no creativity?

Dave [AD] killed Karlicious using prop_physics

|SLA|ƿƐȚȝɌ ΡլϓЅ<33: if i was admin i will set prop limit 800
Maximus: me 2
Server Admin Server Admin
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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
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Straight from Source SDK - Hammer

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14 Oct 2009, 16:26
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Kikbow, based on the research that Dave has conducted, I will not be lifting your ban, as you did somehow spawn a ragdoll/NPC in accordance to your statements, and this server doesn't let you spawn an NPC or ragdoll.
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30 Apr 2011, 12:47
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cant you really let me keep playing? i mean, i guess i wont be using it again. its not like i crashed the server. Give me annother chance because no one ever told me i couldnt use those adv dupes. you wont EVER see them again.
oh and when i said SIMULATE the npc, i didnt mean it wasnt. i meant that it whouldnt do anything that npcs do, like move or attack or even have some kind of friends and foes target system like the real npcs do

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08 Feb 2010, 14:48
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I think he would deserve an another chance.
Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

Suzuu wrote:
I think he would deserve an another chance.

I wouldn't mind this

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30 Apr 2011, 12:47
9 Posts

Karl wrote:
Suzuu wrote:
I think he would deserve an another chance.

I wouldn't mind this

thanks for the support ;)

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