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Developer i play dota ok
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

After two years of running the Garry's Mod server and plenty of fuckups on UKGame's part, it's in my best interest to shutdown our Sandbox server.

It haven't gotten a lot of activity lately, and I've refused to pay the UKGame bills because quite frankly, they just don't deserve our money.

At this point, our donations account have also reached a zero point, so donations are appreciated. In these hard times, I'm assisting by adding some of my own money to the bills.

Big thanks to the server admins at the time of shutdown
  • RoY4lz
  • Ocfos
  • Tension.Toast
  • Jamza
  • Moglizorz
  • Ultimate100
  • Conor

Most of these admins will hopefully stay with Aprilon as some of these admins have additional admins responsibilies on other of our servers as well. Admins that don't, may ask to be transferred to either our Minecraft or TF2 server.

Big thanks to these former admins as well
  • MatNicholls
  • BBD Automotive Designer
  • Dave
  • ReaperSWE

Let me know if I've forgotten you. :p

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23 Mar 2011, 21:02
434 Posts

RIP Aprilon GMOD server.
You shall be missed.

But cause of this, I think the funds of Aprilon shall rise a bit due to not having to pay for another game server. So that's good..? I think so.

I am who I am, I take my own responsibility with logic reason. I am me.
Developer i play dota ok
User avatar
11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

Xana wrote:
RIP Aprilon GMOD server.
You shall be missed.

But cause of this, I think the funds of Aprilon shall rise a bit due to not having to pay for another game server. So that's good..? I think so.

The GMod server wasn't exactly what was draining our money.

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